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Cover 41/4
Obálka / Cover
Milestones of the environment protection
Mikuláš Huba
169 - 170
Úvodník / Editorial
20. Anniversary of Montreal Protocol Ratification
Miroslav Chmelík
171 - 172, 222
Aktuality / Recent news
World Environmental Summits
Bedřich Moldan
173 - 177
Článok / Article
The UN Milestones of the Protection for the Environment and Sustainable Development (with an Emphasis on the Earth Summit
Mikuláš Huba
178 - 183
Článok / Article
The Environment and Sustainable Development in Economic Theory
Michal Sedlačko, Branislav Žúdel
184 - 187
Článok / Article
Integrated Water Basin Management and the Global Climate System Protection
Ján Szolgay, Milan Lapin
188 - 193
Článok / Article
Neglected Milestones on the Way to the Sustainable Development
Pavel Nováček
194 - 198
Článok / Article
The Dobříš Conference on Environment for Europe
Pavel Šremer
199 - 202
Článok / Article
Integration of Environmental and Economic Policies and the Method of its Evaluation
Radoslava Kanianska
203 - 205
Článok / Article


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