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Geological Research of Chemical Factors of Environment
Jozef Zlocha
18 - 20
Článok / Article
Genotoxical Xenobiotics in the Environment
Miroslav Matrka, Vlastimil Rusek
21 - 23
Článok / Article
Contemporary State and Perspectives in Toxicological Evaluation of Chemicals
Mária Vargová
23 - 25
Článok / Article
The Influence of Air Pollution on Slovak Forests
Blanka Maňkovská
26 - 29
Článok / Article
Biomonitoring of Consequence of Polluted Environment in Kuwait after 100-Day War
Gustáv Murín, Ghanima Malallah
30 - 31
Článok / Article
Using of Sorbent Based on Lignite for Increasing the Safety of Waste Storages
Dušan Bakoš, Jozef Emrich, Albert Kecskés
32 - 33
Článok / Article
Towards the Problems of Development of Ecology in Slovakia
Milan Ružička
34 - 37
Článok / Article
May We Be Satisfied?
Milan Ružička
Tribúna / Tribune
More Effective Use of Public Finances in the System of Care of the Environment
Eva Romančíková
38 - 40
Tribúna / Tribune
The Heavy Metals in the Hairs of Small Mammals
Jindřich Paukert
41 - 42
Kontakty / Contacts


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